Canada is refusing more study permits

Canada is refusing more study permits

Canada is refusing more study permits. Is new AI technology to blame?

Sohail Moghadam applied twice for a study permit for a postgraduate program in Canada, only to be refused with an explanation that read like a tentative reply.

Immigration officials “were not satisfied that you would be leaving Canada at the end of your stay,” he was told.

After a third unsuccessful attempt, Moghadam, who already has a master’s degree in electronics engineering from Iran, challenged the refusal in court and the matter was settled. He is now studying energy management at the New York Institute of Technology in Vancouver.

His Canadian lawyer, Zeinab Ziyi, said that over the years, he has seen an increasing number of people being denied study permits, like Moghadam. Internal notes made by officials reveal only general analysis based on cookie-cutter language and often have nothing to do with specific evidence presented by the applicant.
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